b'07C U T T I N GOur Master Cutters practice two types of cutting: WedgeCuttingandFlatCutting.AdvancesintechnologyenabletheMasterCuttertoemployindustrial diamond-tipped wheels to cut the crystal. Thesefineinstrumentsapplythehighestqualitycutto each piece, adorning them with carefully crafted facets. The Master Cutter must rely on their skill08to judge the exact pressure that is required to hold the crystal to the wheel, as too much will create a damaging cut that could shatter the crystal.P O L I S H I N GOnce cut, the piece is then thoroughly polished to remove rough edges, produce a luxurious and smooth 09 feel,andbringforththetrademarkbrillianceofWaterford Crystal. Unless there is additional work to becompleted,suchaswheelengravingforapersonaltouch,thesepiecesarenowreadyfortheirfinalinspection and a waiting world.S C U L P T I N G & E N G R A V I N GOur Master Sculptor works three-dimensionally to sculpthiscreationfromasolidblockofcrystal.Dueto its painstaking nature, completion of a sculpted crystal piece can take weeks and even months dependingonsizeandcomplexity.EngravingcanbeaddedwithacopperwheelcalledanIntaglio,whichmeans reverse. The deeper the engraver etches into thecrystal,themoreprominenttheobjectappears.15'